Friday, November 2, 2012

November PTA 1st Grade program

On November 19th First Grade will be presenting the PTA program.  I would like for the Vivace (Tuesday) choir to join all first graders in singing the song below.  Please listen to it and memorize the words.  We are rehearsing it on Tuesday mornings.  If you are not a first grader, I will ask your teacher to let you come to practice the songs with the first graders.  Thank you for helping out.  This song is a little too long to learn for little ones, unless you are a marvelous musician like our Sanger Honor Choir students.


As I gather with my family,
with my blessings all around me.
I remember just how lucky
We Americans must be.
And when we sing that songs
About sea to shining sea,
sometimes I almost can't breathe.
I am so lifted up,
When I think about our country,
And what it means to me.

I am grateful to be American
I am grateful to be free.
I am grateful to be American
Grateful for my liberty.

As I watch the world on my T.V.
And I see the pain around me.
How my heart aches,
And I wonder,
Why can't everyone be free?
And when I see that flag
With her colors flying free.
Sometimes a tear comes to me.
I am so lifted up when I think about our country
And what it means to me.

Repeat Chorus

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