Friday, March 8, 2013

Happy Spring Break, Sanger Musicians!

These are some You Tube videos of the song "Chiu, Chiu, Chiu" which the choir will be singing at Sandy Lake.  None is exactly the way we will sing it, but you can get the idea of how it should be done.  The Girls choir is the exact arrangement.  The only problem is:  You can't hear the 2nd part.  Scroll up to see a video of me singing just the 2nd part.  It is not as much fun to sing all by yourself, but when we come together as a choir, you make our choir song GREAT!!! So, don't get discouraged 2nd parts.  PERSEVERE.  It will pay off!

An autthentic rendition of the song:

A girl's choir singing our arrangement: Sing out 2nd parts!!!!

An elementary choir (that doesn't have as pretty voices as you) singing the same arrangement, but too fast.

I wonder what some music teacher will say about our version ;-)


Now for Don Gato:

This one is pretty cute, but it doesn't show the judges the musicality they are looking for.  These kids did a great job of singing loud and watching their director.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

2nd grade PTA presentation is on Feb. 19th

Here is a practice video for you:

Here is a link to practice "This Land is Your Land"

I know you remember your square dance moves:

Right hand swing - left hand swing
Do-si-do to the right, do-si-do to the left
Sashay and cast off

Remember:  PTA is Tuesday night at 6:30.  Come at that time with your parents.  You can wear jeans and a Sanger Spirit shirt.  Meet me in the gym.

See you on Monday!

Mrs. Brown