Saturday, February 16, 2013

2nd grade PTA presentation is on Feb. 19th

Here is a practice video for you:

Here is a link to practice "This Land is Your Land"

I know you remember your square dance moves:

Right hand swing - left hand swing
Do-si-do to the right, do-si-do to the left
Sashay and cast off

Remember:  PTA is Tuesday night at 6:30.  Come at that time with your parents.  You can wear jeans and a Sanger Spirit shirt.  Meet me in the gym.

See you on Monday!

Mrs. Brown

1 comment:

  1. Excellent job Ms. Brown:

    From the Ayllon Family:

    Remembering Van Cliburn, a famous Texan piano player:

    Cliburn, who became an international cultural hero when he won a Cold War-era piano competition in 1958, died at age 78 in Texas

    Olga Kern has... a very individual brand of music making... Kern... revels in scrupulously digging the notes out of Rachmaninoff virtuoso scores... She has a big, attractive tone and big technique and projects big emotions
