Sunday, December 2, 2012

Casa Linda Tree Lighting Video

A big shout out to Mr. Walker for making this wonderful video. 

Kids, you sound great!  So proud of you.  We want to do our words and choreography and words a little better for Tuesday.  Listen to your CDs.  Great job.

Thanks to all you parents for bringing your kids and for your support at our practices.   We have a great choir.

Friday, November 2, 2012

November PTA 1st Grade program

On November 19th First Grade will be presenting the PTA program.  I would like for the Vivace (Tuesday) choir to join all first graders in singing the song below.  Please listen to it and memorize the words.  We are rehearsing it on Tuesday mornings.  If you are not a first grader, I will ask your teacher to let you come to practice the songs with the first graders.  Thank you for helping out.  This song is a little too long to learn for little ones, unless you are a marvelous musician like our Sanger Honor Choir students.


As I gather with my family,
with my blessings all around me.
I remember just how lucky
We Americans must be.
And when we sing that songs
About sea to shining sea,
sometimes I almost can't breathe.
I am so lifted up,
When I think about our country,
And what it means to me.

I am grateful to be American
I am grateful to be free.
I am grateful to be American
Grateful for my liberty.

As I watch the world on my T.V.
And I see the pain around me.
How my heart aches,
And I wonder,
Why can't everyone be free?
And when I see that flag
With her colors flying free.
Sometimes a tear comes to me.
I am so lifted up when I think about our country
And what it means to me.

Repeat Chorus

27 Days till the Tree Lighting Ceremony

Here is a You Tube video of Holiday Lights.  Sing Along with them.   Can you hear the "t's" on their nights and lights and sight?  Make sure we can hear yours!!!!!

Holiday lights, shinin' so bright,
Oh what a sight this joyous season.
Holiday lights, shinin' so bright,
Oh, what a sight this time of year.

Feel the magic in the air,
Colored lights shine ev'rywhere.
Feel the magic all around.
In the smiles of people in our town.

Red and green and gold and white,
See them sparkle in the night.
Green and red and white and gold.
Such a lovely sight to behold.

Have fun.   Shhhh ... Please keep the lights a surprise :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Don't Miss These Important Rehearsals

Dear Parents,

I am enjoying our early morning practices with your children this year.  Thank you for having them there on time and ready.  Having them rested, fed, and still a little sleepy, is really paying off in the quality of our rehearsals.  I am very proud of all of the children.

Can you believe that we only have four more early morning rehearsals before the Tree Lighting Concert at Casa Linda on Wednesday, November 28?  We will have two after school rehearsals with all of our choirs on Monday, November 26 from 3:30-4:30; and on Wednesday, November 28 (the day of the concert) from 3:30-4:15. Please mark your calendars.  These remaining rehearsals are very important. 

If your child is new to choir, or has outgrown a choir shirt, please let me know.  I will be placing an order for shirts very soon.  Please return the form below and $10 cash before Friday, November 9th.  If you want to order a shirt for yourself, the adult sizes are $12.  In addition to the black choir shirt, the children wear khaki bottoms:  a skirt or slacks.  These can be khaki uniform bottoms.

In addition to the Tree Lighting ceremony, we will be taking a select group of students to Northpark Mall and to a recording session on Tuesday, December 6th.  This is an all-day field trip.  To be eligible for this field trip, singers must:

1.       Be passing all classes

2.       Have excellent behavior in all classes.  All teachers will help to decide if the child is eligible.

3.       Have NO unexcused absences at choir rehearsals.  Please call, text or email Ms. Brown if your child will miss choir due to sickness or other emergency.

4.       Have all music memorized.

I am still working on the date for our school concert and our annual visit to Autumn Leaves Retirement Home.


_____My child, ________________________________________, is new to choir and needs to order a choir shirt.

_____My child, _________________________________________, has outgrown the choir shirt.  I would like to exchange it for a size ________.

Sizes:  Youth Small          Youth Med          Youth Large        Adult Small        Adult Med          Adult Large

                Adult X-Large    Adult XX-Large

______  Please order an adult shirt for me.  Size: _____
Parent Name:  ____________________________________  Contact Number:______________________

Monday, October 29, 2012

Showbiz Snowman

Just found this You Tube video.  Improve on the pronunciation and pitch but see how cute their choreography is.  Everyone watching the director and following with the hand motions.  Try it!
Practice Site

Showbiz Snowman.  This is a choir singing the song we have been practicing for the past several weeks in choir.  You will be better than this choir because you will pronounce your words w long tall vowels, you will add dynamic (louds and quiets), and you will be adding choreography.  But you can still practice the words and music here:

More to come!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Christmas Tree Lighting November 28

Mark your calendars for our first holiday
concert of the season:

All choirs will be joining together to sing for the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Event in Casa Linda Plaza, Wednesday, November 28 from 5-7.  Plan to come out and support our Sanger musicians and help to spread some Alex Sanger joy in our neighborhood.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Handy Man or Woman needed in the Music Room

Here is a shout out for some help for our music room:

I have completed the curtain toppers for the music room.  Is there anyone with an electric drill who could help me hang them, and possibly some simple blinds?

Also, if that drill has a screwdriver attachment, our benches could use some tightening up, and there is one section of the room that still needs painting.  I have the supplies.

Please let me know if you have time after school or during the day to help us finish out our pretty music room.

Thank you.
Mrs. Brown

Friday, September 28, 2012

Choir and Promise of Peace Updates

We made it to Friday!  I know many are checking in to see what is going on with choir and with Ms. Dry's program this Saturday, so here are some updates.
The children are doing a great job on the Promise of Peace Show, this Saturday, September 29, 2012.  Our performers should arrive at 4:00 at the Lakewood Theater.  We will have a little rehearsal time on stage.  Dress is jeans and tennis shoes.  Ms. Dry will bring Promise of Peace shirts.   I think you will enjoy the program.  The children will sing at 5:00.   Bring family and friends. 
Choir auditions have been overwhelming.  There is a wonderful interest in choir this year.  I will be working on invitations to choir this weekend.  I have not had a moment to get it done this week.  I am hoping we can get started this week.  It is time to work on our winter program.   I have sent a few invitations to parents via email to Tuesday's Canto Vivace group.  If you got an invitation, please send your child on Tuesday morning at 7:30.  If they have already had breakfast, I will pick them up in the gym and the auditorium.  Otherwise, they are to grab their breakfast and come straight to the music room.   I will be working on the other choirs this weekend.  Be on the lookout for an email from me. 
Our next PTA meeting is October 16th.  It is our 5th graders time to shine!  We will have a choir parents meeting at 6:00 before PTA.  I would love the opportunity to share with you our plans for the year and even give parents a chance to exchange uniforms if your child will need a new uniform.  For those of you who are new, the uniform is khaki pants or skirts for the girls and a black polo shirt with our Honor Choir logo.  We will order more shirts once we know who needs what sizes. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

This is the last song that I will be teaching for POP Benefit.  The other two are below this newest post.

The words are:
You are my cherry tomato, you are my little potato.
You are my - leafy greens, you are my skinny, little green bean.
You are so beautiful, You are so beautiful. 2x
It's all in the dirt, it's all in the dirt.

Agents of Change 2010

This is another song for the POP Benefit.  We'll start it this week.

spirit of the plants (Lisa Thiel)

This is is a song for the Promise of Peace Benefit on September 29 at the Lakewood Theater. I am teaching our Sanger children this song to promote our school garden. I am looking for 20-25 Sanger related children, of all ages to join us onstage to sing this and two other simple songs, accompanied my a couple of local professional musicians. Should be fun.  First after school rehearsal is Wed. September 12 at 4:30.  Hurry up kids, run home, grab a snack, do your homework and come back to the music room. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

"Mrs. Brown, When does choir start?"

I have been so happy to hear this over and over as students enter the new music room.

After such a wonderful year last year, I feel it is time to set a bigger goal for our choir. I try to attend TMEA, Texas Music Educators Convention as often as affordable.  Last year, thanks to generous financial assistance from our PTA, I was able to make this trip.  Each year, a small number of choirs are invited to perform for around 25,000 music educators in Texas.  To be invited is a huge honor.  While attending the conference, I heard some very good choirs, talked with directors, and attended workshops about submitting an application for selection as a performing choir for this conference in San Antonio.   The first step is to make a quality recording of our choir and submit it to the steering committee for the next year’s convention.  I believe it is a worthy and achievable goal to prepare to take our choir by February 2016.  With the help of Mr. Dwayne King, we will make a recording of our choir this year, and will submit it for consideration for the 2014 convention.  It may take more than one submission, but we will learn so much through this process, which will make our chances of being selected better each year.  This process will require growth on the part of our students, our parent supporters, and for me, but I believe we are ready for this goal. 

To help us become a select choir for TMEA, I am changing the choir program in the following ways:

Choirs will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 a.m.  Children who eat breakfast will need to be in the cafeteria at 7:30, pick up their breakfast, and come directly to the music room for rehearsal.  Because of the limited rehearsal time, no student will be allowed into the music room after 7:45. 

Our choirs will no longer be organized by grade levels.  We will have two choirs:  Developing Singers, and Advanced Singers.  All students who want to sing in a choir, have good behavior, and who regularly attend rehearsals will be admitted to one of our choirs.

Membership in a choir will be determined by a short audition, by recommendation from Mrs. Brown and other Sanger teachers, and by a parent conference.  The beginning choir will be less structured and will give beginning and developing students more time to enjoy singing while adjusting to the expectations and discipline of an award-winning choir.  The advanced choir will be made up of students who already demonstrate appropriate choir posture, have excellent focus and attention to the director, and who demonstrate an ability to produce quality choral sounds. 

Students may audition from Sept. 10-14 from 7:30-8:00 a.m. in the music room.  Students may sign up for an audition in the music room starting this week.   Choir rehearsals will begin on September 18 for the Beginning choir and September 20 for Advanced Choir.  From time to time, we may have to schedule an after school rehearsal in order to prepare for performances.

I plan to have a choir parent meeting soon to discuss this goal and this year’s choir program.  Please check this webpage regularly for more information.

I look forward to another great year of Song with our Stallion Students.